We want to make you aware about the choices that your child has available to them at lunchtimes. Sometimes children are bringing a packed lunch because they don't like an item on the menu without realising the options available to them. Children in KS1 (Infants) have a free school meal, and it is a shame for parents/carers to have to provide food in this instance when there is a free choice available.
The is always 2 hot meal choices, which also have a carbohydrate accompanying them e.g potatoes (in varying forms), pasta or rice and also the option of a sandwich or wrap and sometimes a jacket potato. On top of the meal choice, there is always the following on offer:
Please encourage your child to have a school dinner wherever possible. We are happy if they want to have a mixture of packed lunch and school dinners, but please let us know to enable the kitchen ordering to be accurate.
Below are some photographs of what your child is offered each day.
Dinner time starts are staggered as followed, with all children eating lunch in the dinner hall:
A fresh, two-course meal is prepared each day in our school kitchen by the school cook, Mrs Tory. Fresh fruit vegetables and salad are available every day, and water is freely available for drinking. The menus, compiled by Derbyshire County Council, follow a three week cycle which changes termly. Printed menus are distributed to parents by the school office when a new one becomes available or by using the link:
Under the Universal Free School Meals initiative, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to receive a school meal every day free of charge. For children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, the current cost of a school meal is £3.25. The school collects dinner money on behalf of Derbyshire County Council.
It is Derbyshire County Council's policy that all hot meals should be paid for in advance.
Parents and carers are now able to check their eligibility and apply for Free School Meals instantly via a Parent Portal.
It is easy to create a Parent Portal account, by clicking the link below, or visit derbyshire.gov.uk and use the search box at the top of the page to search for free school meals.
Once signed in, it is quick for parents and carers to check if their child(ren) can receive Free School Meals.
If you do qualify for free school meals, you will also be entitled to free school uniform items and also school trip funding. School will also benefit from funding which can be used for support and resources. If your finances change, your eligibility will still be protected for 6 years. We would encourage anyone who feels they may qualify to check if they are eligible.
First, log into your account with SchoolMoney. You will need your mobile number, email address and your password (sent from school). https://eduspot.co.uk/
A pop up will appear asking for your child’s FIRST NAME. Type this in and you will be logged in.
For more help:
Hints and Tips for using SchoolMoney website
If you are in receipt of certain benefits, then your child may be eligible for free school meals irrespective of the year group they are in. Application forms for these free school meals are available by visiting the Derbyshire County Council website. Details of eligibility are printed on the form. If you meet the criteria we would encourage you to apply even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. This is because part of our budget allocation, known as Pupil Premium, is based on the number of children entitled to these free school meals. This extra money helps us to provide support groups throughout the school along with much needed additional resources.
If your child is a vegetarian or has any other dietary requirements, please inform the school office.
If you would like your child to bring a healthy packed lunch from home, the children sit and eat their lunch in the hall. Please notify the office if your child wants to combine packed lunches and sandwiches.
Please note: Fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not allowed, as the school tries to adhere to a 'healthy food and drink' approach.
More information can be found at the links below: