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Change 4 Life Ambassadors and Sports Leaders


Change 4 Life

Here at Youlgrave, All Saints' CofE Primary School we support a fantastic campaign called Change 4 Life by children setting physical  activity challenges for their classmates, which are held at break-times in the school yard. Our children who lead the activities can be recognised by their Change 4 Life hoodie laugh 


Change4Life aims to help families lead healthier lives by eating well and moving more. Change4Life is now a trusted and recognised brand, with 97% of parents with children aged 5-11 associating it with healthy eating.

It follows NHS guidelines on all aspects of healthy eating, healthy bodies and healthy minds.

The website is packed full of useful information including:

  • Recipes
  • Lunchbox ideas
  • Games/Activities
  • Facts
  • Exercise tips and advice on your child's weight 

Change4Life website


Sports Leaders

Children in Class 3 (Y5/Y6) take turns spending their lunchtimes on the KS1 playground supporting the younger children at play. They set up games and play activities for them, and help them to understand how we play together nicely and fairly. 

This helps the older children to show responsibility and maturity. 

They all have a hoodie to wear during this activity.