Using a combination of discrete art lessons and cross-curricular topics the children experience a wide range of artists, styles and techniques to develop their understanding, becoming proficient in a range of skills with increasing independence (sketching, painting, sculpture etc.). The children will have access to key knowledge and language, they will be able to apply this to their work in art and across the wider curriculum.
Pupils are taught to develop their techniques including control and use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Combining staff knowledge and expertise with the experience of professional and local artists, our art and design curriculum is enhanced wherever possible through theme days, trips and visits. Our children draw on this broad range of experiences to inspire their own creativity, building resilience to refine their skills.
The children learn in a supportive, creative environment enabling them to take risks, build resilience and strive for challenge. Independence is encouraged and valued from an early age to allow the children to experiment with a range of techniques to develop their own style. The acquisition of high level vocabulary enables our children to communicate effectively about their own work and that of others.