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Youlgrave aims

Youlgrave Primary school’s aim is to create a positive, challenging and stimulating environment, in which they feel supported as individuals and their skills are celebrated.

Our core purpose is:

To develop resilient and inspired learners who are aiming to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment which is underpinned by our WE CARE values. To ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of our children, our school values and our community, as well as statutory requirements, we have threaded our WE CARE values throughout our curriculum to ensure that it is unique for our learners and we offer our children the memorable experiences that they need to inspire them to believe in themselves. Our curriculum is inspiring, ambitious, motivational and progressive to ensure our children develop a love of learning and have the bravery to tackle new learning.

Why you teach it-your purpose of study

At Youlgrave school we want our children to have access to a high quality history curriculum that provides them with opportunities to better understand the world around. To know how the world we have today was created and make predictions for their future. We want them to develop their curiosity about the past.

Our history and the history of those around us has had a huge impact upon the world and it is important that the children recognise this and learn from the past. All children are taught important aspects of local history, history of our country and the history of other countries. They will have opportunities to not only look at dates and facts, but to also use their skills to be history detectives. We offer the children exciting experiences outside of school and visits into school. We wish for our children to be able to carry out first hand comparisons on how people lived and how they live today. We aim to provide the children with opportunities to hold real artefacts, getting them as close to history as possible.


What you teach-your programme of study

We believe that our high-quality and hands on lessons will inspire the children to develop the natural curiosity for learning about Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

In EYFS, the children start to understand their own life story, so far, and the stories of those around them. They begin to understand the past through stories.

In KS1 the children start to discover more about Britain’s history and key people throughout history. They are given opportunities to explore, research and write cross-curricular pieces. Through child-hood history they are given the opportunity to start making those comparisons about the past to modern day. Through this they can understand how times have changed and begin to make connections on those changes, to those how helped make them.

In KS2, the children start to explore history further. They look closely at British history, exploring invasions and begin to understand how these have influenced Britain today. Alongside this they explore world history, from Emperors, Dynasties and all about the Slave trade. Alongside this programme of study they will learn about key people in history. The children will be given opportunities to create timelines and put events into chronological sequence. We teach using a range of resources, books and visits and trips.


How we teach it-delivery

History is taught primarily through a topic based approach, allowing the children to use a wide range of sources and resources. They also have opportunities to use their knew and inspired knowledge to write during English lessons. We teach using visits to different centres and through allowing visitors into school. We work on a two year cycle, to ensure that the children are exposed to a wide range of history, from British history to the wider world, incorporating British values into our teaching. Teachers plan their topics using the national curriculum and a range of sources.

We aim to give our children as many opportunities as possible, exploring real artefacts, recreating events and using the history around our local area.  


So what are your evaluations of the above

Our history curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to ensure the children get the best possible experiences.

We measure progress through the pre- set outcomes of the lessons, as they are delivered. The children are asked questions at the beginning, throughout and at the end of each topic, to assess their learning progress. For those children who are completing tasks and demonstrating a good understanding of knowledge, we know that they are achieving the national curriculum standards. Teachers give the children opportunities to recap learning and support those who need to clarify understanding.

Youlgrave All-Saints Primary School

Long Term Plan- History

Cycle A 23/24


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1

Roll up, roll up


Old toy shop

History makers


On the beach

Class 2

Through the ages



Emperors and Empires

Class 3

Britain at War




What’s in the news/ Shakespeare

Cycle B 24/25


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1





History makers

Class 2




Ancient civilizations

Class 3



Ancient Greeks

Dynamic dynasties

What’s in the news/ Shakespeare