Our aim at Youlgrave All Saints' C of E Primary School is for all children to participate in and enjoy physical education, enabling them to fulfil their potential, develop positive attitudes, increase confidence and competence and improve their health and well-being through life-long participation in physical activity.
Our children have many opportunities to learn new skills and games and to take part in festivals and competitive sports, whilst also working towards setting personal challenges for themselves to be the best that they can be.
Active play is encouraged during break and lunchtime led by Change 4 Life ambassadors and pupils participate in daily activity breaks during lesson time, as well as the 'Mile a Day' challenge and a variety of short physical, mindfulness and well-being exercises, otherwise known as 'Go Noodle!'
As part of the Bakewell and Rural Derbyshire Schools' Sport Partnership there are many opportunities to experience a wide range of festivals and competitions including mini soccer, football, cross country, tag rugby, dodgeball, athletics, cricket, dance, tennis, hockey and High 5 netball. This schedule of events enables every child to have the opportunity to be part of a team and represent their school in at least one competitive sport, by the time they leave school.
Youlgrave All-Saints' C of E Primary School employs a specialist PE teacher to deliver the Physical Education curriculum and run extra-curricular activities. After- school sports clubs are held for each class and offer a wide range of activities. By the end of the year it is our aim for every child to have participated in at least one extra- curricular club.
Assessment for learning, attitudes towards learning, pupil voice, parental feedback and questionnaires all help to identify development priorities, monitor progress and demonstrate the impact being made. Provision is adapted to suit the needs and experiences of the children, enabling them to meet their age-appropriate skills, increase their motivation, confidence and resilience, rise to challenges and be able to transfer these skills into other sports and physical activities. Children appreciate the importance of a healthy mind and body and understand how this can be achieved. Above all, it is hoped that their positive experiences and love of physical activity and school sport, carries on well into their secondary school years and beyond.