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Youlgrave aims

Youlgrave Primary school’s aim is to create a positive, challenging and stimulating environment, in which they feel supported as individuals and their skills are celebrated.

Our core purpose is:

To develop resilient and inspired learners who are aiming to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment which is underpinned by our WE CARE values. To ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of our children, our school values and our community, as well as statutory requirements, we have threaded our WE CARE values throughout our curriculum to ensure that it is unique for our learners and we offer our children the memorable experiences that they need to inspire them to believe in themselves. Our curriculum is inspiring, ambitious, motivational and progressive to ensure our children develop a love of learning and have the bravery to tackle new learning.

Why you teach it- your purpose of study

At Youlgrave school, we want the children to have access to a high quality science curriculum that provides them with the foundations of the world through specific learning of biology, chemistry and physics.

Science has a huge impact upon our world and it is important that the children recognise this. All children are taught the essential aspects of knowledge, methods and processes and the use of science in everyday life. They will have the opportunity to develop these skills through investigation and experimentation. They have opportunities to carry out experiments and investigations with excitement and curiosity. They are able to use science to explain events and natural phenomenon’s. They can use this to predict and evaluate their own ideas. 


What you teach-your programme of study

Our intent is to offer our children the opportunities to visit places or to immerse them in experiences to discover the world around them. In EYFS the children learn about seasonal changes that happen in the world around them, they talk about plants and animals and are given the opportunities to show concern and care for living things and the environment around them.

From years 1 to 6, the children follow a curriculum designed around the National Curriculum statements, using a wealth of knowledge and both online and practical, with an emphasis on increasing the practical investigations the children take part in.

Following on from EYFS, we like the children to learn from first hand experiences, providing them with opportunities to observe, using the local environment to teach the children critical aspects of science. They use a variety of methods in which to record their results, including using technology. The children also consider how science influences our lives, looking at both local and global environments.

From year 2, the children learn about a key famous scientist and learn how they have influenced our lives.

Through this the children acquire key scientific knowledge and practical skills that allow them to investigate, experiment and use the correct scientific language.


How we teach it- delivery

In EYFS they provide the children with opportunities to experience the world around them. Through guided activities and imaginative play, the children explore practically and discuss their findings. Whilst using our local resources, the children have the opportunity to watch chicks hatch and develop, learning about animals and their young.

From year 1 to year 6, the children are taught through a variety of teaching and learning and practical lessons, again using the local environment around us to explore lifecycles, growth, plants and animals. They are given opportunities to build on previous learning and use this knowledge to make new predictions. As the children progress through the school their ability to record their findings is increased, developed and with a more formal structure.

We take opportunities to place learning in a wider context so that children can understand the relevance of science in our world.

Throughout the year the children will have amazing opportunities to carry out practical investigations, including during National Science week, using what we have around us, as a small village school in a setting that provides opportunities for exploration.


So what evaluations of the above

At the beginning of each lesson the children are made aware of the outcome through their learning/lesson objective. This is the used by teachers as they mark the work that has been completed. There are no formal assessments in science, however they are assessed throughout lessons through observations during practical lessons, listening to the scientific vocabulary that is used and the written work in their books. Children are given opportunities to share their learning from the lessons and show how they have increased their knowledge of the specific subject and the language that they need to use.

Youlgrave All-Saints Primary School

Long Term Plan- Science

Cycle A- September 2023/24


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1

Animals including humans- The body

Light and dark




Living things and their habitats

Class 2

Animals including humans

Study of a specific Scientist in History

States of matter

Living things and their habitats



Class 3

Animals including humans

Study of a specific scientist in History

Living things and their habitats


Evolution and inheritance

Cycle B September 2024/25


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1







Class 2

Animals including humans


Study of a specific Scientist in history

Rocks and soils

Forces and magnets



Class 3


Earth and space


Study of a specific scientist in history

Materials and their properties

 Seasons will be taught across class 1 throughout the year.