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Booking and Payments for School Dinners and Wrap around Care

Dinner Money should be paid for at the start of the week and extended services (breakfast /after school club) at the time of booking.

Our policies for dinner money and extended services debt can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please ensure you use the online service to book the extended services. This will allow us to ensure adequate staff:child ratio's. If you have not booked and pre-paid for a place we can not guarantee we will be able to accommodate your child. Please do not bring children to clubs without a booking, as if we are at full capacity, they will be turned away for safety reasons. 


School Dinner:

All children are entitled to a school dinner every day.

Infants (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) receive a free school meal along with certain others for financial reasons.

The current cost of school dinner is £3.25.

If you prefer, your child can be sent to school with a healthy packed lunch (no fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets please).

Please let us know if your child would like a combination of lunches and sandwiches from home.

Wrap Around Care:

We provide before and after school care, children will be provided with a drink and snack (cereal, toast, crumpets or teacakes when available)

Breakfast Club 

  • Band 1 - From 8.30am (£2) - no Breakfast provided
  • Band 2 - From 8.00am (£3)
  • Band 3 - From 7.30am (£4.50)

After School Care

Children can be booked in as follows:

  • Band 1 - 3.30pm - 4.30pm (£5)
  • Band 2 - 4.30pm - 5.30pm (£5)
  • Band 3 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm (£7.50)
  • Band 4 - 3.30pm - 5.30pm (£10)

(If you book 5 sessions in one week, the 5th session is free)

Parents must use the online booking system, but if you have an emergency on the day, please telephone the office to see if we have space. All bookings must be made 24 hours in advance to ensure adequate staffing levels.

Charges will apply if 24 hours notice is not given for cancellations.


The school uses an online payment system called 'School Money' for parents. It can be used for payment of:

  • Dinner Money
  • Breakfast Club
  • After School Care
  • Sports/Craft Clubs
  • School Trips

Dinners should be paid for in advance at the start of the school week of the week.

Breakfast and After School Care should be paid for when making the booking.

You can also put your child's account into credit, which will be held on their account and used when required.

If you do not have access to online payments you can pay by telephoning the school office and paying by card.

If you have any issues with logging in to the system, please speak to Mandy or Anne in the school office.  

Dinner Money and Extended Services Policies