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Youlgrave aims

Youlgrave Primary school’s aim is to create a positive, challenging and stimulating environment, in which they feel supported as individuals and their skills are celebrated.

Our core purpose is:

To develop resilient and inspired learners who are aiming to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment which is underpinned by our WE CARE values. To ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of our children, our school values and our community, as well as statutory requirements, we have threaded our WE CARE values throughout our curriculum to ensure that it is unique for our learners and we offer our children the memorable experiences that they need to inspire them to believe in themselves. Our curriculum is inspiring, ambitious, motivational and progressive to ensure our children develop a love of learning and have the bravery to tackle new learning.

Why you teach it - your purpose of study

At Youlgrave, we want our children to understand the world, its environments, local and national areas and to implement our WE CARE ethos, by understanding the process that effect our world. We aim to offer the children opportunities to walk in their area local to school and where they live. To better understand the land, how it has changed and effects of this. We aim to incorporate different aspects of learning, including mathematics, history and art into our geography curriculum.

We want the children to be inspired, we want them to be curious, we want them to be fascinated about the world around us, the people that live in it and how it is changing. We want them to understand how diverse the world is and how we can learn from different cultures, understanding their traditions and ways of living.

As the children progress through school, their knowledge will increase and they will be able to better understand both natural and human processes, develop understanding of different landscapes and environments.


What you teach - your programme of study

At Youlgrave we feel that it is important that are geography lessons are high-quality and hands on. Providing the children with opportunities to be inspired to be innovative and naturally curious. We ensure that the children develop a comprehensive knowledge of their local area, Britain and the wider world.

In EYFS the children are given opportunities to further understand their locality and acknowledging changes around them.

In KS1, the children are given opportunities to compare their own local area (rural) to somewhere different (big cities). They being to learn about the seas and oceans that surround us and the countries that can be reached through travel. They also have opportunities to look at areas the differ to their own, and explore the coastline and how it changes.

As the children move into KS2, they continue to explore water, but this time through river exploration and combining this with the exploration of rocks. The children also have opportunities to look at how land has been used and is used and how these have changed. They are also given opportunities to explore climates, hot and cold. Within all these aspects the children explore how we are having an impact on the world, explore the changes and implement our British values.


How you teach it - your delivery of the above

Geography is taught mainly through topic based lessons. Where possible teachers aim to use cross-curricular approaches and give children opportunities to present their knowledge in a variety of ways. It is important the our children are able to use the community around them to increase their knowledge. They are given opportunities to listen to and talk with people where they live, visits to outside sights and visits from people into schools.

Geography is taught in a two year cycle, allowing the children many opportunities to develop their knowledge of all aspects of geography.

Teachers plan using the national curriculum, allowing them to look closely at the progression of skills and ensure that throughout their school life, the children make progress on their geography knowledge. The teachers use a range of sources and resources to build a comprehensive plan.


So what - your evaluation

Our geography curriculum is well thought out, is high quality and ensures that the children are able to demonstrate the progress they make. The staff and children are aware of the outcomes of the lessons and ensure that lessons are carefully planned to guide the children in achieving them. At the beginning, throughout and at the end of each topic, teachers ask children questions that allows them to show their progress and learn from others. Where learning objectives have not been achieved, or demonstrated the children are provided with opportunities to recap and for teachers to further embed the learning.

Youlgrave All-Saints Primary School

Long Term Plan- Geography

Cycle A


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1

Roll up, roll up

Starry, starry night




On the beach UK

Class 2



Misty mountains, windy river



Class 3



Sow, grow, farm



Cycle B


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class 1







Class 2






Class 3

The Americas