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Middleton are the Hula-Hooping Champions 16.10.24

Thankfully, the rain held off and allowed us to hold our annual house hula-hooping competition. We had a great time and a tremendous effort was made by all of the children (and staff!) It was a well fought competition with 

Middleton winning on 60 points, closely followed by Bradford with 55 points and Lathkill with 45 points.

Bollywood Comes to Town! 2.10.24

The Asian Association of Chesterfield & North Derbyshire performed an Indian classical dance style called Kathak, as part of their Diwali celebrations. The children were also invited to take part in a dance workshop and much fun was had by all! 

Y5/6 Football 19.9.24

After a fabulous afternoon of football, our two teams had to play against each other to fight for a place in the final! Both teams were magnificent in terms of their work ethic and player conduct but it was the Y6 team who played against Stanton in a hard fought final. Our Y6s ended up as proud runners-up, with our Y5 team narrowly missing third place, after a tight penalty shoot-out! The sun shone for the afternoon and a great time was had by all.

Introducing New Activities - Archery

We now have a very smart archery set for the children to use. It's great fun!

Small School Cricket Champions 6.6.24

It was great to have an afternoon of cricket on our school field. This was the third attempt to reschedule the event after the weather disrupted previous dates! Although there were less schools taking part than usual, we were proud to lift the small schools trophy and enjoy the camaraderie with our fellow competitors.

Year 6 Post-SATs Celebration Day 17.5.24

We had a wonderful day in the beautiful setting of Whitworth Park, Matlock, letting off steam and celebrating the end of SATs week! Events included Tai Chi, Ultimate Frisbee, team building, Quidd Ball, archery, dance, hula-hooping, circus skills, football, yoga and an enormous inflatable obstacle course! We were also mentored by an elite athlete who helped us work on strategies to improve our well-being.

It was a great day and one that we wont forget for a long time!

Balance Bikes 30.4.24.

Our Reception children had a lovely time practising their control, balance and steering using the pedal-less bikes. They did a really good job and had lots of fun!

Year 3/4 Sports Festival 25/4/24

On this occasion, the event was based at Youlgrave Playing Field, where the children had the opportunity to experience several sports in a non-competitive environment. These included golf, tai chi, athletics and cricket and tennis based activities. 

Playleader Training 24.3.24

We had a great afternoon working on our skills as playleaders. Aiden, from the School Sports Partnership, helped us to invent and adapt games to make our playground a more interesting and active place to play.

Y5/6 Hockey and Quad Kids 18.3.24

Our Year 5 and Year 6 teams entered the local cluster hockey tournament, held in Tideswell. The year 6 were runners up, in a fiercely fought 1-0 final against Curbar Primary. Congratulations go to all of the children for their determination and the way they conducted themselves. The children also took part in Quad Kids, attempting their personal bests in long distance and sprint running, throwing and jumping events.

'Let Girls Play' Football Festival 6/3/24

As part of the 'Let Girls Play' initiative, our KS2 girls enjoyed an afternoon of football coaching at Hope Valley College.

Y5/6 Wheelchair Basketball 7/2/24

Year 5/6 children had a fantastic opportunity to experience wheelchair basketball alongside an experienced coach. A great time was had by all!

Y5/6 Netball Tournament 01/02/24

Great news! After a well fought contest, where we entered two teams from Youlgrave, we managed to retain our title as netball champions of our local small school cluster. The whole class had a great afternoon out and we've now got a new trophy for the cabinet.

Y3/4 Dodgeball Tournament 09/11/23

Atlantic Ocean Class 2, attended a dodgeball tournament with other local schools from our cluster group. We were knocked out at the semi-final stage, but a great time was had by one and all. The children were excellent representatives for school, displaying honesty, determination and passion. Well done everyone!

Bollywood Comes To Youlgrave!

Today we were lucky enough to welcome dancers from the Asian Association of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, who put on a fabulous performance for the children. The children and staff also took part in a dance workshop and a great time was had by all!

Mini Football at Lady Manners School.

On Thursday 25th October a team of 9 children took part in a mini football tournament. The children were amazing ambassadors for the school and played with great skill, determination and energy! Congratulations go to Darley Dale who won the competition with a penalty in the last minute of the game! We achieved a very respectable second place. Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport on the day.


Tag Rugby Champions 19.10.23

The year 5/6s had a wonderful afternoon at a tag rugby festival held at Longstone School. Our team who played in the competition, proudly gained first place with a last minute 'Golden Try!'

Annual House Hula-Hooping

Luckily the rain held off for our annual house hula-hooping competition. Thank you to all the children and staff  for a fantastic event. We now have some very experienced and skilled hula-hoopers and some great new novices. This years winners were MIDDLETON.smiley