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As with most events, World Book Day (WBD) is going to look slightly different for us this year, but we still want to take this opportunity to celebrate the wonderful world of books and share our love of reading with everyone in our school community. You also have the opportunity to dress up at home (or in school) as your favourite character if you so wish! Have a good look throught the links and lessons on this page to make the most of World Book Day 2022!  


The World Book Day theme is 'Share a Story' so we would love to see photos of you sharing a story with your siblings, grown-up, pets, relatives on video call, or even your toys! So as you snuggle down with a good book to share take a quick pic and post it on the School Blog or send it to your class teacher on your class email address and we'll add your 'Share a Story' photographs to our school book display wall.

Are you a brave enough reader to take on our WBD Challenges!

Reading Recommendations.

Last Year on WBD we launched our '50 Books to Read before you leave'. Those of you are new to school are in the perfect position to take up the Youlgrave Reading Challenge. Use the Record Sheet to tick off the books you have read from the list and claim your prize when you've read all 50 Books. As part of this years WBD celebrations we'd like you to recommend your favourite books so far from the list. Use the templates below to write your recomendation and send it in to school to go on our '50 Books to Read before you Leave' display in the hall!

Can you solve these WBD maths challenges! Choose the level that best suits you.

What are some of your favourite words.....?

One thing I've always loved about reading is finding new words in books - whether they are made up or real! Roald Dahl has got to be the best author at making up words - or maybe you know of someone better... One word I've recently learnt from a book I was reading was 'uxorious' which means to love your wife alot. What new words have you learnt whilst you've been reading. Perhaps you could share some of them with your teacher and they could be added to your class word web. 

Design a book Token

Each year WBD runs a compeition to have your design turned into a book token or gift card. If you would like to enter this year then have a look at the rules on the web page below and complete your design on the template. If you would like school to enter your design for you return your design to school no later than Monday 29th March.

The WBD site has provided a selection of free audio books that are suitable across all ages at Primary school. There is also a share a story video corner which is great for sharing with our youngest readers in school.

Check out these three fabulous live events that are happening in World Book Day week. Listen to some of your favourite authors disucss their favourite books live.